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Nova Scotia Wellness Retreats on Cape Breton Island

When we evaluate the trials and tribulations of our modern-day lifestyles, it doesn’t take long to realize why so many people feel bogged down. It’s no secret that life can be overwhelming, considering all our responsibilities at work and home. Also, winter is almost over, and people need a way to revitalize their minds, body, and spirit. Many studies support the idea that tranquillity and nature are natural remedies for the restlessness we sometimes feel. And Cabot Shores on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, has everything you need for a refreshing wellness retreat to activate your senses and help you relax.

Wilderness Wellness Retreats Nova Scotia

Amid the lush forest on Cape Breton Island, Cabot Shores provides a calm environment featuring unique lodging options, including yurts and geodesic domes. But the most appealing factor to those seeking a wellness retreat in Nova Scotia is the impressive variety of healing practices and outdoor adventures. Here are some ways that we provide an uplifting and holistic experience.

Complimentary Morning Meditation and Qi Gong

Photo of Three Women Practicing Yoga During a Retreat in Nova Scotia.As you may know, Qi Gong is a series of calming exercises that help energize your entire body through specific movements. Its purpose is to loosen your joints, allow for effective breathing, and help you focus your mind while stimulating circulation. We also offer mediation to help you release habitual thoughts and develop self-awareness. Both of these practices are excellent ways to begin your day.

Barrel Sauna Sessions and Hot Tubs

Barrel sauna sessions offer a soothing way to release muscle tension and toxins. They also help lower your blood pressure and assist with circulation. As you gaze into the distance, the smell of cedar is also a nice addition to the experience. Like a barrel sauna session, soaking in a hot tub can help ease muscle pain. Besides being in the water, the main difference is that you can witness the beauty of nature around you.

Five Element Acupuncture 

Holistic practitioners have used the ancient form of acupuncture known as Five Element Acupuncture for centuries. This works by treating various levels of your mind, body, spirit, and heart by placing thin, sterile needles into specific points throughout your body. Not only does this help accelerate the healing process, but it can also assist in rectifying gastrointestinal and circulatory disorders.

Spending Time with Nature

A woman becomes emancipated by fresh air provided by the forest during a wellness retreat on Cape Breton Island.Wellness retreats in Nova Scotia aren’t only about Eastern medicinal practices. One passive feature that will help alleviate stress and increase vitality is simply spending time with nature. It’s easy to take the natural world for granted when we’re so fixated on deadlines, schedules, and other obligations. Still, one of the best ways to quiet your thoughts and live in the moment is to immerse yourself in nature’s bounty. From hiking on the various on and offsite trails to canoeing along Church Pond, there are many ways for you to get in touch with the great outdoors.

Unique Cape Breton Lodging and Wellness Retreats

Eagle Dome with Hot Tub below.Relaxation is critical for self-care, but it’s not always easy. However, you have the perfect recipe for a successful wellness retreat in Nova Scotia when you combine mindful meditation practices, rustic yet elegant accommodations, and Cape Breton Island’s pristine wilderness. At Cabot Shores, we’re proud to offer an environment conducive to stress relief and a healthy lifestyle. With that, we invite you to experience our offerings, let go of your worry, and put your wellness at the forefront of your next wilderness adventure.
To find out more or to make reservations, please visit us online or call 866-929-2584 today.

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