Treasures Along The Trail
A geocacher calling himself “TooColdInCanada” heard about the Indian Brook Falls Trail and suggested we do the hike and add geocaches along the way.
So we headed off one December morning, with his two sons and a guest from Germany–for an early winter wilderness hike. Called by geocacher, Ian,
the Cabot Shores’ Adventure Trail”. Complete with an ammo can, trackable coins, and some other surprises in the 7 caches placed near the Trail…

Placing the Treasures at least 500 feet apart was easy, the challenge was crossing some of the creeks, including just below these first falls…
But they were a brave bunch and the Caches were duly put in place, creeks fjorded and now you’ll be reading all kinds of feedback of cachers
discovering their bounty and just as excited about the Trail itself. Stay tuned for 4 seasons hiking and geocaching.

And check out our article. See Indian Brook Great Falls, and other favorite waterfalls along the Cabot Trail, during all seasons.